Thanks for the Monday morning hype @ja1405_ja ️. If anyone here wanted a crash course in who we are and what we do.

16 Jan 2023, 08:38
Thanks for the Monday morning hype @ja1405_ja ☕️♥️ If anyone here wanted a crash course in who we are and what we do...look no further 😌 #GetBolted ~ABE $BOLT #Bolt @boltplus_tv is #Web3 media platform powered by @boltx_wallet , #Web3💠 is the Next Generation of the #Internet #Crypto #build #Binance #NFT #altcoin #DeFi #Kucoin Thread 🧵⬇️

Same news in other sources

16 Jan 2023, 08:53
Both Jamal (@jhas_ceo_bolt) and I have finally got around to writing our Founders Letter for 2022. We have so much to share with everyone 🙏🏻⚡️ Full Post: Thanks for building Bolt+ ( , BoltX ( and $BOLT together with us.
Both Jamal (@jhas_ceo_bolt) and I have finally got around to writing our Founders Letter for 2022.
Both Jamal (@jhas_ceo_bolt) and I have finally got around to writing our Founders Letter for 2022. We have so much to share with everyone 🙏🏻⚡️ Full Post: Thanks for building Bolt+ ( , BoltX ( and $BOLT together with us.